After the completion of the first session of the Empower Volunteering Program, we were eager to hear their thoughts on the overall experience. Mica Honasan, a dedicated volunteer from the Communications and Marketing Team, kindly shared her insights and revisions from the session.
Stepping out of one’s comfort zone is not easy, especially when you find security in the familiar. But that is what I did when I came to Australia to study, and I pushed that further when I decided to join Future Forte’s Empower Volunteer Program.
Last June 15, 2023, we had our virtual Volunteer Welcome and Onboarding, a chance for us to get to know Future Forte’s work through its founder, Belle Lim, and the Empower Program through Regil Cadavos and Veronica Charles.
The diversity was inspiring, and the energy was heartwarming. Here was a group of young women with their own life stories who wanted to make a change and feel a sense of belonging like me. As we were presented with the plans for personal development and conference plans, and as we broke out into our respective teams, there was that sense of excitement for what is to come.
It is something new and different, and I know it will take time for me to find my groove in the volunteering space - and in a foreign country at that - but there’s comfort in knowing that I am not alone and that there is a group of Future Forte women encouraging and cheering all of us on.