About this program


We invite international students to take the spotlight at the Future Forte Conference 2024 to share your ideas in a topic that is relevant to your field of study or your personal story in a 5 min TED Talk-style presentation.

All international students are welcomed to submit an application. If you are selected, you will receive two free tickets to the FF Conference 2024 so you can bring a friend along! In addition, the Future Forte team will pair you with a public speaking mentor to help you prepare for your moment in the spotlight.


How to apply

Applicants will need to fill in basic personal information and tentative topic(s) in the form attached at the bottom. You will also need to submit a short video responding to the following questions (mandatory):

  • What is your name? E.g., “My name is…”

  • What is your topic? E.g., “The topic I want to discuss today is…”

  • Why are you interested in this topic? “This is because …”

In your video, you may wish to consider the following points (optional):

  • What inspired you to apply for the Spotlight on International Students session? Do you have a compelling anecdote or pivotal moment that motivated you to share your story?

  • What specific topic or student issue related to being an international student would you like to share during the session? Why does this topic resonate with you and how can it resonate with others?

  • How has your experience as an international student shaped your perspective and personal growth?

  • Why do you think it’s important to showcase diverse perspectives and foster cultural exchange among the international student community?

  • What is your experience with public speaking, and how do you envision your story to inspire and connect with the audience? Please tell us about your speakership skills and experience, and consider innovative approaches, captivating visuals, or interactive elements.

The video is recommended to be between 30 sec to 1 min. You can film this on your smartphone and upload through the application form. Please remember to check the selection criteria before your submission. The successful applicant will receive 2 free tickets to the conference and a mentoring session by experts who’s experienced in public speaking.

The appication will be closed on 10th August 2024.

Application Closed!