As the Future Forte team dives into a new year, it's not just about the collective achievements but also the individual highlights and aspirations that shape the team's dynamic. Let's take a sneak peek into the holiday breaks and the personal and professional goals each team member is excited about in 2024.

✨ RegIl's Highlights and Goals:

What was your highlight over the holiday break? Over the holiday break, I had the opportunity to experience and explore the reefs of some parts of the Torres Straits and visit Mer Island to meet the locals and learn about their culture. It was an incredible start to the year!

What's one of the things you are hoping to achieve this year? For me, I'm hoping to build and grow a small herb garden in my apartment—and keep it alive!!

✨ Belle's Memorable Break and Ambitions:

What was your highlight over the holiday break? I took six weeks off in Dec-Jan in between jobs, and it was a really nice reset! I spent some time in Bali, Phuket, and with family in Malaysia. And I got a dog, Billy!

What's one of the things you are hoping to achieve this year? For 2024, I have a few personal and career goals—specifically for Future Forte. We made massive progress last year to establish an amazing core team and delivered successful programs. My goal this year is to strengthen our team (with the addition of new members like Clara and others in this chat) and to expand the conference!!

✨ Javi's Adventure and Future Plans:

What was your highlight over the holiday break? I had a great time myself during the break over at New Caledonia. Lots of fun! We did so many things like kayaking, hiking, and snorkeling. Exploring the island and the friendliness of people was definitely a highlight.

What's one of the things you are hoping to achieve this year? One of the main things I'm hoping to achieve in the near future is to find a job! Something that I really like and aligns with my values. Hobby-wise, I'm aiming to complete an Olympic triathlon at the end of March!

✨ Jess's Family Time and Academic Endeavors:

What was your highlight over the holiday break? For me, I’m enjoying my time with my family in China and eating lots of good food, haha.

What's one of the things you are hoping to achieve this year? In 2024, I’m definitely going to put my full effort into my honors project, which is on malaria parasites! I’m aiming to achieve a good grade and conclude my 4 years of uni. I also want to take one step further in FF in contributing more to the program and definitely the conference. Looking forward to keep working with this amazing team!

✨ Vinutha's Vacation Highlights and 2024 Aspirations:

What was your highlight over the holiday break? My vacation went well. I visited Ballarat and Philip Island. Saw Kangaroos in person for the very first time (All these days just saw the images of them) And did tons of house hunting (Rental market in Melbourne is really tough!)

What's one of the things you are hoping to achieve this year? Goals for 2024 are to work on myself, keep myself updated with the latest technology, and concentrate on physical fitness.

✨ Anu's Reflection on Last Year and 2024 Excitement:

What was your highlight over the holiday break? Last year was definitely exciting for me as I took on many challenges outside my comfort zone, helping build my confidence, improve my skills, and get to know myself better. To be honest, I didn't have a proper vacation, but I always took mini breaks in between my studies and work. Here's what I did with my free time:

  • I celebrated Christmas with my close friends. It was exciting, and we enjoyed lots of food! Instead of going out, we had a Christmas dinner at home.

  • I explored Melbourne's culture, food, and places as much as possible.

  • I collaborated on a creative project with Divya, whom I got to know through FF. Our project aimed to raise awareness of the Gaza war.

  • I improved my photography and videography skills by doing a lot of work and practicing editing and storytelling.

  • I spent a lot of time in the backyard, enjoying nature too!

What's one of the things you are hoping to achieve this year? For 2024, I am excited to finish my PhD. I already have creative collaborations lined up for this year. I have aimed to secure a full-time job and have already received an offer from Deakin to work as a student coordinator. Finally, I want to work on a Domestic Violence/gender-based violence prevention program, collaborating with Future Forte!

Future Forte

Future Forte is a supportive community founded by and for international students and alumni in Australia. We deliver and provide events, programs, social groups, story-telling, and community advocacy. As a collective for women and gender diverse people, we aim to uplift each other and nurture our sense of belonging in Victoria.


